COVID-19 continues to keep the majority of us stuck inside, and we all continue to face difficulties with work / life balance.
We’ve spent some more time searching for information that we hope you can benefit from or, at the very least, put a smile on your face.
You know the drill by now, we don’t need to sugarcoat anything here. If you want to view a live camera feed of a bunch of sweet hummingbirds, click here.
Along with potentially bringing a new meaning to “honky tonk”, drive-in concerts will at least bring us the music we love in a safe and interesting way. Here’s a nice list of concerts, and here is the latest news on NJ’s first drive-in concert plans.
Did you know we have 62 national parks in America? 62! And, as of writing, almost all 62 of these national parks are open for bizznezz. Nature calls…and she just delivered 7 boxes of pizza to our office, but she is also calling for us to visit her!
Here’s a parent tool kit and a power tool kit. A lego tool kit and a shower tool kit. We are poets and we didn’t even know it tool kit. Robot tool kits and chocolate tool kits. 10 different s’mores tool kits. Honestly, this is getting a little out of hand, let’s move on.
Here’s a quick and easy summer business goal: Attend one webinar a month. There are plenty of free webinars available but here are a few you might be interested in. Maybe a Social Media webinar or Cash Flow Management webinar in June? A digital marketing DNA webinar in early July? Lastly, here’s an email marketing webinar that you can watch on demand in any month.
Adobe is making it’s 99U Conference available online this year, for free! Tickets for this conference are normally priced at around $1,000 so to call this a deal would be an understatement. The conference will be held on June 17th, 2020 just enough time to clear your schedule and register up!
David Taylor Digital is an award winning Digital Marketing and Web Design firm based in New Jersey. For the past 13+ years we’ve helped a countless number of businesses reinvent themselves, create positive brand awareness and generate solid inbound sales leads. We are a passionate and creative TEAM whose main goal is to help clients open doors and close business through targeted and strategic marketing campaigns.