COVID-19 continues to keep the majority of us stuck inside, and we all continue to face difficulties with work / life balance.
We’ve spent some more time searching for information that we hope you can benefit from or, at the very least, put a smile on your face.
It’s week 14 of Bright Ideas folks. By now you’ve probably tried quite a few home cooking experiments. Loaves of bread, loaves of meat, casseroles, fruit cakes, the list goes on. Though there is one thing we’d bet our bottom dollar that you haven’t tried making yet…Kombucha! Therefore, here is a great guide on how to make your own “Kombooch”, as we call it in the biz.
…Can apparently also be streamed and watched by anyone who follows our Bright Ideas series. This week we’re taking a break from our beloved animal cams to bring you some dearly beloved Vegas wedding cams! They are complete with sound so if you want to experience true happiness, turn off your Spotify playlist and play this in the background for the rest of your day.
Short and sweet. Here are the 45 best movies on Netflix as ranked by not us. But we trust them.
Do you share your Premium Spotify account with someone else? Do you make hot playlists that your friends and loved ones absolutely need to hear? Are you bored and just want a reason to download new shiny apps? If you answered yes to any of these questions then boy do we have an app for you. JQBX (jukebox) lets you sync Spotify accounts, allowing you and your friends to listen to the same music together, at the same time! Apps are the Happs!
Challenging and uncertain times are far from behind us so we’re always on the lookout for advice on how to best steer our ship through these uncharted waters. So, keeping up with “spot on” advice is an art and a science. To help you cut through the clutter, here’s a great little article we found on brand management during times of pivoting and reaction.
But, the next best thing is 36 Real Entrepreneurs sharing how they each did the ‘pivot’ during lockdown. There’s a little bit of drama …..a little bit of suspense … and a thrilling plot line! Now who can resist that?
David Taylor Digital is an award winning Digital Marketing and Web Design firm based in New Jersey. For the past 13+ years we’ve helped a countless number of businesses reinvent themselves, create positive brand awareness and generate solid inbound sales leads. We are a passionate and creative TEAM whose main goal is to help clients open doors and close business through targeted and strategic marketing campaigns.