Tanya is the silent, behind-the-scenes owner that dots the "Is" and crosses the "Ts" and ensures the company is firing on all cylinders. From HR, Finance, Partnership building and Marketing Strategy, she’s here to support all of DTD's Teams.
As a long-time consumer of online content and applications, Tanya has had the unique opportunity to see the evolution of digital marketing. From pre-to-post Google, Facebook (Meta), and other media giants, she’s seen a huge transformation in how people interact with companies online, how they make purchasing decisions, and how they research both. Her old school, hands-on, jack-of-all-trades work during the early days of the Internet helps you succeed in today’s market.
In those early tech days of Silicon Valley, Tanya worked alongside brilliant engineers, Product Managers, and Sales and Support Teams to gain a 360-degree look into how a tech company develops, operates, and supports its products and its customers. All of this experience, in addition to many years spent in the video production and customer support industries, gave her a solid foundation to grow and sustain David Taylor Digital's Operations.
When she’s not working with online platforms, Tanya loves hot yoga, word games, running, and even ran the New York Marathon. She was also the first chair violinist in high school and has Trypophobia, so don’t eat strawberries around her.