We are back with more interesting information that we hope you can benefit from or, at the very least, put a smile on your face.
Do you like broadway, musicals, or just live performances in general? If so, we have quite the trifecta of streaming services for you. There are pros and cons to each service, so we’ll just list them out and leave the decision making to you. Or if you don’t like decisions just use all three! Either way, here they are: Broadway HD. Filmed On Stage. Thespie.
It’s Tuesday morning, you’re brushing your teeth when suddenly you think to yourself – I wonder what type of bird I would be based on my personality and behavior characteristics? We’ve all been there. Luckily for us, it’s 2020 and there is a quiz out there with the sole purpose of scratching that avian itch of yours. Once your feathered fate is revealed, head over to this list of live bird cams to learn a little bit about your birdie self. Then maybe tweet about it! Ohh what a pun-filled Tuesday this is turning out to be!
You heard right, DoNotPay is a new software that unsubscribes you from unwanted spam with the added bonus of also looking into each piece of spam to see if there’s any current class action settlements surrounding the spamming company/organization. If there is, with one click you can instruct DoNotPay to automatically submit to the settlement and claim any compensation you’re eligible for on your behalf. Slim down your inbox and beef up your wallets!
Google recently released a new feature on Google Maps that helps you navigate around coronavirus hot spots. Speaking of hot spots! Google also set up a giant balloon in Kenya that brings some much needed internet service to tens of thousands of people throughout the country.
In case you missed it last week, yours truly at David Taylor Digital are offering free website assessments for anyone interested. Your website might be amazing…or you might discover some surprising pitfalls. It’s free to find out either way.
Free Business Tools
We may have done this in the not-too-distant-past but new tools come out all of the time and there is always room for improvement. Check out these 20 free tools for businesses to see where you can make some improvements of your own.
David Taylor Digital is an award winning Digital Marketing and Web Design firm based in New Jersey. For the past 13+ years we’ve helped a countless number of businesses reinvent themselves, create positive brand awareness and generate solid inbound sales leads. We are a passionate and creative TEAM whose main goal is to help clients open doors and close business through targeted and strategic marketing campaigns.