We are back with more interesting information that we hope you can benefit from or, at the very least, put a smile on your face.
AOL! It’s actually quite interesting. At the very least, you can skip to here, close your eyes, and with a rush of nostalgic dial up tones, imagine yourself back at the turn of the century.
Whoah, this is amazing! Lava Lamps are back baby! All they need is some shag carpet and a few fondu towers and they’ll never even have to leave the office.
Oh this list is magical. There are a few familiar faces, but there are mostly new and very intriguing options on this list of the best board games of 2021.
Board Games…From Your Computer
There is a whole website dedicated to board games here. If you want to play board games with your friends online you can get the Tabletop Simulator here. If you are at the point in your life where you just want to watch other people play the board games for you, you can do so here.
Sell these! These being the top 12 trending products for 2021 and some ideas on how to market them to your customer base.
And it’s time to put your business hat on! Use our free website assessment to kick the new year off with a clean, healthy, and effective website for your company. Find out what’s working and what’s NOT working, explore areas that could use a little love, and leave with some solid recommendations that could have your website generating sales leads 24/7.
David Taylor Digital is an award winning Digital Marketing and Web Design firm based in New Jersey. For the past 13+ years we’ve helped a countless number of businesses reinvent themselves, create positive brand awareness and generate solid inbound sales leads. We are a passionate and creative TEAM whose main goal is to help clients open doors and close business through targeted and strategic marketing campaigns.