COVID-19 continues to keep the majority of us stuck inside, and we all continue to face difficulties with work / life balance.
We’ve spent some more time searching for information that we hope you can benefit from or, at the very least, put a smile on your face.
If so, check out the aptly named Outschool. They provide live online courses for kids ranging from ages 3-18. That’s right, live, en vivo, in the flesh! Real teachers, real learning, real relief from your homeschooling woes. Life hack numero uno in the books.
Who would have thought there would be a whole website dedicated to life hacks. Sort of makes this section seem a lot less impressive…
We’re about to blow. your. mind. There’s also a small chance that we’ve just been living under a rock for the past 5 years and this is all common knowledge by now…but we’re pretty sure we’re about to blow your mind. Owning a library card is more powerful than owning a black card. That’s right. Quote us on it.
To prove it to you, we present to you life hack #3, the life hack to rule them all: All of the super neat, useful, and totally free things you can do with your super neat, useful, and totally free library card.
Free music with either Freegal or Hoopla. You might as well just throw out your wallet at this point. Money is but an unnecessary burden when you are the proud owner of a Card du Library!
Is there more? There’s probably more, but honestly we’re too busy signing up for all of these free deals to go any further.
Ever wonder what the life of a bunch of hens living in a Boston suburb is like? Neither have we.
Need a new character name for your latest novel? Boom. Need a rapper name for your new soundcloud profile? Bam. Couple name to impress your significant other? You’re welcome. Pirate name to impress your kid? Ahoy. Still have yet to even properly name your kid? Here you go. So many names, so little time.
We actually use this for marketing trends, but it’s also just plain fun to use to see people are searching on Google at any given time and double the fun to try to find wacky sentences that are searched a surprisingly high amount of times.
Virtual zen garden maker. Rocks, grass, and peace.
This is a must-read article for ecommerce site owners, but it’s useful for all small businesses in general as it covers so many aspects of digital marketing.
What’s better than an article full of helpful business tips? A complete report full of helpful business tips AND interesting stats to back them up!
It never hurts to have a side hustle to bring in some extra cash flow. If that’s something you’re interested in, Business News Daily ranks these 15 ideas for starting a new small business in 2020.
David Taylor Digital is an award winning Digital Marketing and Web Design firm based in New Jersey. For the past 13+ years we’ve helped a countless number of businesses reinvent themselves, create positive brand awareness and generate solid inbound sales leads. We are a passionate and creative TEAM whose main goal is to help clients open doors and close business through targeted and strategic marketing campaigns.